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Intraoperative Mapping of Cognitive Networks : Which Tasks for Which Locations. De Emmanuel Mandonnet et Guillaume Herbet

Intraoperative Mapping of Cognitive Networks : Which Tasks for Which Locations. De Emmanuel Mandonnet et Guillaume Herbet

  This book aims to give the state-of-the-art of intraoperative brain function mapping for resection of brain tumors in awake conditions, and to become a reference for acquiring the fundamental expertise necessary to select the right intraoperative task at the right time of the surgery. The chapters, all focused on a specific brain function, are […]

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Focal Cortical Dysplasias, New advances for curing epilepsy, de Francine Chassoux et André Palmini

Focal Cortical Dysplasias, New advances for curing epilepsy, de Francine Chassoux et André Palmini

  L’ouvrage marque le 50ème anniversaire de la première description de la dysplasie de Taylor, qui a révolutionné le monde de l’épilepsie et retrace l’histoire de l’évolution des concepts dans le monde de la recherche clinique et fondamentale. Les plus grands experts internationaux en épileptologie, neurophysiologie, neuropathologie, génétique, imagerie et neurochirurgie, ont conçu cet ouvrage […]